Shock in Germany following murder of young man who asked customer to wear COVID-19 mask


In Idar-Oberstein, Germany, neighbors lay flowers at the scene of the death of the 20-year-old who was killed for asking to wear a mask (Photo: REUTERS)
In Idar-Oberstein, Germany, neighbors lay flowers at the scene of the death of the 20-year-old who was killed for asking to wear a mask (Photo: REUTERS)

The murder of a gas station worker in Germany at the hands of a customer who refused to put on the covid mask, triggered strong reactions in this country where the movement opposing health restrictions is strongly mobilized.

The Suspected killer, 49, from Idar-Oberstein (in the west of the country), provisionally arrested, told police he was not respecting sanitary measures individuals or restrictions aimed at tackling the coronavirus epidemic.

The Social Democratic candidate for chancellor, Olaf Scholz said on Twitter that he was “very shocked that someone died for wanting to protect themselves and others”.

“As a company, we must resolutely oppose hatred. The author must be severely punished, “added the current favorite in the polls to succeed Angela Merkel.

Angela Merkel (Gettyimages)
Angela Merkel (Gettyimages)

The Minister of Justice, Christine Lambrecht, also a member of the SPD, called the act “outrageous and disgusting”.

Environmental candidate Annalena Baerbock reacted in the same way: “I am shocked by the terrible crime of a young man who only asked to follow the rules in force, to be careful and to show solidarity”, noted.

“All these aggressions and all this violence, also in speech, Must end. And that’s why I’m appealing to all who have a different opinion: violence is not a means “said Merkel’s conservative party candidate Armin Laschet.

Attack on your rights

The petrol station where the crime took place (Photo: REUTERS / Annkathrin Weiss)
The petrol station where the crime took place (Photo: REUTERS / Annkathrin Weiss)

The event took place on Saturday when A gas station worker, a 20-year-old student, refused to serve a customer who wanted to buy a case of beer because he was not wearing a COVID-19 mask.

Irritated, the man left leaving the beers on the counter. He returned an hour and a half later wearing a mask this time, but He took it off to provoke a reaction from the cashier.

After the young man again asked him to put it on correctly, the client took a gun from his pocket and shot him, killing him instantly, police said.

The suspect reported to the police station the next day.

A woman with a mask waits for her flight at an airport (Photo: EFE / Bienvenido Velasco)
A woman with a mask waits for her flight at an airport (Photo: EFE / Bienvenido Velasco)

The accused told officers that he felt “cornered” by the measures to combat the covid-19 pandemic because he considers them a “growing violation of his rights” and that he had seen “no other way out,” prosecutor Kai Fuhrmann said on Monday.

Investigators searched his apartment where They found the murder weapon, as well as other firearms and ammunition.

Since Saturday, residents of the neighborhood have approached the gas station to place flowers and candles.

Increased aggression

The German Foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, accused on Twitter the movement of “Free thinkers” (Querdenker), radically opposed to health restrictions.

“The ‘Free Thinkers’ celebrate the event on the internet. The hatred and harassment of these incorrigible people is dividing our community and killing people. It has no place in our society, ”said the Minister.

A woman holds a banner during a protest against government restrictions at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin (Photo: Reuters)
A woman holds a banner during a protest against government restrictions at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin (Photo: Reuters)

The police did not say if the man was part of this movement, which brings together followers of the conspiracy, detractors of vaccination and supporters of the extreme right.

Since the start of the pandemic, they have regularly organized demonstrations all over Germany which brought together thousands of people and in which there were acts of violence.

The national intelligence services of Germany announced in April that it was monitoring members of the Querdenker suspected of links to right-wing extremism.

(David Courbet – AFP)

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