Shock in Peru: 29 people died when a bus fell into the void


A microphone fell off a cliff in Peru and at least 29 people died. The accident took place this morning during a trip to Lima, as reported by local police. The funny thing is that this is the third transport accident that has claimed many lives in the same country in the past four days.

“29 bodies have been recovered so far, we are awaiting the arrival of a crane” move the bus, said Major Freddy Loarte, who heads the emergency services and is commissioner of San Mateo, a town close to the scene of the accident, to the N.

The bus was carrying 63 passengers. He had started from Huánuco (300 kilometers northeast of the capital), with Lima as his final destination. It is estimated that there are 20 other injured. “Unfortunately there was a six-year-old among the dead and there are two injured minors, ”said the general commander of the police, César Cervantes.

“29 bodies have been recovered so far, we are awaiting the arrival of a crane,” said Major Freddy Loarte, who is leading the rescue.

“We still have work to do, we have to remove the bus”, Major Loarte added, hinting that the death toll could rise. The mobile collided with a stone and fell into an abyss about 200 meters deep, towards the basin of the Rímac River, according to the version of some passengers.

This is not the first fatal accident that has been recorded in Peru in recent weeks. This Sunday, August 29, 14 people died and an unknown number is still missing after the collision of two boats in a river in the Peruvian Amazon. Two days earlier, another group fell into a ravine on an Andean road in the south-east of the country, in an accident in which 17 people died.

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