Shock photo of the cargo hold of a plane full of Afghans – News


The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the chaotic flight of hundreds of citizens from Kabul leave shocking images for history.

This is the case of photography that has gone viral with 640 Afghans, in the hold of an American military plane, who managed to escape.

The incident happened last Monday on one of the US Air Force’s rescue flights from Kabul to Qatar. It is estimated that this is a record number of passengers: 640.

As the digital explains Defense 1, which quotes the US Department of Defense, the C-17 Globemaster aircraft was not going to take off with a number greater than its official capacity.

However, there was a change of opinion after dozens of Afghans, including women and children, entered the plane through the half-open ramp.

The crew ruled out throwing them off the plane and “made the decision to take off,” official sources told Defense 1.

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