Shock: popular singer killed the thief who murdered his wife | Chronic


Colombia is shocked by the misfortune suffered by the popular singer Richard Muñoz, who lost his wife in an badault attempt and who, shocked by his death, ended up killing a thief. The facts were recorded in a security camera and that is why the judge released him despite the charge of homicide.

The singer was summoned to the mayor's office in Fusagasugá, Colombia, for a recital. Hata went with his wife, Charlotte Cobos. Around 4 am, the couple leaves to buy alcoholic beverages.

Police at the scene of the crime.

On the way to the establishment, they were intercepted by a motochorros. One of the men came down and badaulted them without giving them time to react, threatening them with a sharp object. Charlotte resisted the robbery and, in the fight, the thief stabbed her twice in the chest. Shortly after, he died at the hospital.

When he saw the mother of his children bleed, Richard reacted: he disarmed the criminal and murdered him. Although he was arrested after the incident, accused of murdering the abuser, a judge granted him temporary release while the process continues.

Recently, the artist posted on his Facebook profile a message addressed to his late wife, commented by hundreds of people who expressed their solidarity and support.


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