Shocking: a kitten without ears is looking for a family to adopt | Chronic


The Animal Rescue Spain team saved a kitten named nano, only a few months old, who had mutilated ears. The animal was saved August 12 in Toledo.

When he arrived at the animal welfare badociation, veterinarians treated his wounds and they are now looking for a family to take care of this little abandoned cat.

As the wound was open, the holes for the ears were full of worms. However, the vets acted immediately and managed to cure the animal. The experts checked that they were clean cuts, so everything indicates that they cut off their ears intentionally.

All indications are that his ears have been intentionally cut off.

After the operation, Nano continues to convalesce in the premises of the protector, located on the outskirts of Madrid. However, from the company, they said they were ready to find a new home to live in. Animal Rescue Spain has described the cat as tender and affectionate, through its social networks.

An animal that, despite everything, has suffered during its few months of life, has no fear. Animal Rescue Spain believed with certainty: "Nano is a fighter, cute and handsome.Every day he teaches us the value of overcoming and the eternal innocence of animals.We continue to fight for them.".


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