Shocking Details of Autopsy of Man Who Died of Choking After His Wife Sits on His Face | the Chronicle


The puzzling episode happened in Russia and it was a worldwide surprise. A woman killed her husband by sitting on his face and smothering him with her butt to death to beg his forgiveness. Yes indeed, Tatyana O., resident of the city of Novokuznetsk, was found guilty of negligence. As for Aidar, her husband, the results of the autopsy they revealed more details about the sinister crime.

A subsequent medical examination established that he had died of “Suffocation due to blockage of the respiratory system” when his face was stuck in the mattress, with Tatyana supposedly sitting on his neck, “Using his legs so he couldn’t lift it“.

After Aidan stops showing signs of life, “The accused, frightened, shook him and shouted for him to wake him up.”

Tatyana was found guilty of causing wrongful death.

In addition, “she strangled her husband to death with her butt after drinking too much alcohol”, as reported by Life. In a first trial, Tatyana was charged with murder. Then the conviction caused death by negligence. As the court learned, she never intended to kill him. She was sentenced to 18 months of remedial work and ordered to pay around £ 2,000 in “moral damages”, the same outlet reported.

In court, the woman said she just wanted to calm her husband down, but soon after he passed out and screamed, the neighbor came back and called for an ambulance. This week the Inquiry Committee He announced that he was pushing for a new murder charge to be laid as the sentence left more than one unhappy.

Tatyana, with her deceased husband.


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