Shocking Details of the Crime of the Femicidal Prosecutor Who Killed His Wife in a Satanic Ritual: “The Body Did Not Have a Drop of Blood” | the Chronicle


Tax André Luiz Pinho was accused of being the author of his wife’s femicide, which amazed the whole of Brazil, when we knew that the aberrant murder was committed in a macabre satanic ritual in which the researchers realized that the woman “there was no drop of blood”.

As detailed by forensics, they could only collect 25 milliliters of blood of the victim’s body. “A woman of normal weight has an average of 5 or 5 and a half liters of blood in her body”, explained coroner Marcelo Mares Castro.

Pine next to his wife Lorenza.

Thanks to this information, forensics did not doubt that the murder was committed by some kind of satanic ritual, for which the femicide extracted almost all of the blood from his wife, identified as Lorenza de Pinho, 41, with whom he was married for 20 years.

One of the reasons Pinho is the prime suspect in femicide is that the prosecutor’s diary had two embalming course contacts., a technique for preservation of corpses, based on the exchange of blood for synthetic substances.

Despite the evidence, Pinho has denied the murder in court, along with the doctors who visited the house where the horrific event took place that day. The two doctors had signed a fake death certificate to protect the prosecutor.

Reconstruction of the facts

The couple lived in the Buritis district, in Belo Horizonte and, according to the prosecutor’s office in charge of investigating the case, between the night of April 1 and the early morning of April 2, André poisoned Lorenza, with whom he was married for over 20 years and had 5 children, then he made her drink cachaça so that the mixture of drugs and alcohol was lethal.

However, the woman was still alive, so the prosecutor hung her with his hands, then called a hospital and asked for help.

For his part, the doctor arrived at the scene found Lorenza in a “cadaverous stiffness” according to dateló, but in the file, the doctor signed that the victim’s body still had electrical activity, albeit without a pulse.

Security cameras recorded the moment the murderer entered his apartment with a bottle of cachaça.

The investigation revealed that the information was false because, according to them, the doctor did not have the equipment to make the diagnosis.

In addition, the doctor also lied when describing that the victim choked on his own vomit. To make the fake certificate no longer valid, both They called a second doctor to certify everything and allow the cremation of Lorenza’s body to hide the evidence.

Everything seemed to be in favor of the macabre femicide, until luckily another prosecutor suspected what happened and demanded that the woman be cremated only his body was subjected to an autopsy.

After the forensic analysis, it was determined that Lorenza’s cause of death was traumatic, that is, she was murdered.

However, the prosecutor was accused of putting the lives of his young children in danger by finding a loaded gun in the cupboard of his home in Belo Horizonte.

The murder accused was recognized for having worked in the 11th prosecutor’s office, where he developed the fight against organized crime and criminal investigations in Belo Horizonte. Investigations have revealed that Pinho murdered his wife on April 2 in his apartment, which is why he has been in prison since April 4 pending trial.


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