Shocking Details of the Death of the 7-Year-Old Boy Who Was “Belted” by His Mother | the Chronicle


After a woman was charged with the murder of her seven-year-old son with belts, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Chilean Children’s Ombudsman ordered the preventive detention of the mother, identified by the acronym JACT

Now, The prosecutor’s office gave details of the injuries sustained by the child as a result of the beatings apparently given by his mother, in her house in the Chilean municipality of Punitaquí, which caused the boy a traumatic pulmonary edema.

Chilean Investigation Police (PDI) reported that the woman took his eldest son to hospital just two hours after his death. Meanwhile, the Ovalle court set a 90-day investigation period for what happened.

One of the medics who performed resuscitation on the child, identified as MACC, for nearly thirty minutes said he had already “It was very cold, with lightness and stiffness in the sloping areas, which is why she presumes that the death of the child had a date of one to two hours.“.

As they explained, the arrest took place in connection with the accusation of the “crime of parricide in the context of domestic violence” and even the defense of women did not oppose the preventive detention requested by the public prosecutor and the children’s ombudsman, because “No one can ignore the seriousness of the event”.

In addition, local media reported that the accused will soon be transferred from Ovalle Prison to La Serena, as she has received death threats from other inmates.

Details of the death of the 7-year-old Chilean boy, murdered by his mother

During the hearing held this Friday against the accused, the prosecutor Carlos jimenez He said the woman was with her two children, aged seven and five, in her house on El Estero Street, Cancha de Higuerita area, and started attacking the eldest child without reason. .

“He started attacking her with multiple, strong blows, which he gave her using powerful elements such as belts, a wooden spoon, kicks and kicks in different parts of the body.”, details the persecutor.

This beating caused “Multiple bruises, bruises, abrasions all over the body; erosions in the facial area, multiple bruises and erosions in the cervical and thoracic area; multiple bruises on the abdomen, arms, legs and buttocks”, he said.

“These were injuries which, considering the amount, caused the death of the minor MACC due to traumatic pulmonary edema due to multiple trauma before receiving medical treatment “, detailed the prosecutor of Ovalle.

Pre-trial detention for “very devastated” psychological conditions

Patricia muñoz, Children’s advocate and complainant in this case, joined the request for preventive detention against the accused, considering her a danger to society and to her son under five.

Therefore, the prosecution requested the precautionary measure of preventive detention, agree with Muñoz that women are a danger to society.

For his part, the defense lawyer of JACT, Robin valenzuela, did not oppose the requested preventive detention measure.

“No one can ignore the seriousness of the event. I have had the opportunity to speak with my client and she is in very devastated psychological conditions. Our communication has been very difficult.”Valenzuela explained.

During this time, the accused is in the pre-trial detention center in Ovalle, where she must remain isolated to avoid the contagion of Covid-19. She will then be transferred to the Huachalalume prison complex in La Serena, for death threats from other detainees.


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