Shocking fire at one of the world’s largest hospitals …


A big fire is registered this Saturday in the San Borja Arriarán hospital, one of the most important health centers in Santiago de Chile, with no reports of injuries to date, but of patients evacuated.

At least 37 units and more than a hundred firefighters They are working on the site, the force reported on its Twitter account, in an attempt to put out the flames that produce a column of smoke visible from different parts of the capital.

The fire started about 7 (local and Argentine time) and there is still no register of victims.

According to medical sources on the DNA radio station, the main point of the emergency would take place on the third floor of the health facility, in the children’s intensive care unit.

There is also evidence of serious damage to the plant immediately above, as confirmed by Chile’s Emergency Information Network.

Through its Twitter account, the same hospital sought to bring peace of mind amid disturbing footage of the crash at the scene.

The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, went on the spot “to check the damage caused by the fires on the ground and to coordinate the work with the hospital staff and the firefighters”, specified the portfolio of health in its account on the same social network.


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