Shocking image: I thought I had gained weight but I had a 23 kilogram cyst


A woman from Alabama (United States) discovered that the pounds that she had accumulated for months, as well as abdominal pain, swelling, and breathing difficulties that she suffered, was not due to "she was fat",

Kayla Rahn explained to foreign media that she repeatedly confused her with a pregnant woman and that she was proposing to him even help with the shopping bags. The mother of the woman, aged 30, finally decided to take her to a clinic near her home and they found the problem.

The doctors discovered that the girl had a cyst the size of a sanda in her ovary. in turn, crushed from other organs. According to professionals, this is a potentially dangerous situation that requires an operation.

In a statement issued by the hospital, it is reported that Rahn had a benign cyst of 23 kilos and that once removed, lost 34 kilos. "We are happy that everything went well," say the professionals.

Rahn, for his part, stated that "it was not a pleasant operation, and there were times when I felt pain." I had no opportunity to worry about anything. "

The doctors indicated that the patient was relieved when they gave her the diagnosis and she herself indicated that before that, she was crying every time that we talked about it. Although the time that was developing is unknown, health care professionals believe that the cyst has been present for more than a year

  Doctors believe that the cyst has developed for more than a year. one year
. that the cyst has developed for more than a year.

"As soon as I got home and I could move a little, I tried every shirt and it was awesome," said Rahn, who also shared a message for the others. :

In fact, her surgeon agreed with her: "I asked for the help of several doctors and we, as a medical community, failed."


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