Shocking moment: Man opened window to film amid Hurricane Ida and was left with his house destroyed and flooded


Hurricane Ida claimed lives, serious property damage, torrential rains and more than a million people without electricity service in their homes according to a general count by local authorities in the United States, until it hits land, it degrades into a tropical storm.

Among the many affected by the storm, a resident of Louisiana wanted to represent the hurricane’s voracity as faithfully as possible and opened the window of his house so that he could film the shocking moment, but the strong gusts of wind ended up ripping them off completely, as soon after he reported that the windows of his house had been destroy and pointed to a flooded room in the house.

Video was streamed by user Raymod Serge via your profile on Facebook, where a hand can be seen pushing the frame aside as strong gusts of wind and heavy rain hit the exterior of the house. The full intensity of the passage of Hurricane Ida, which reached Category 4, was demonstrated in the short audiovisual clip that this man recorded when he opened a window.

A man opened a window in Louisiana during Hurricane Ida and strong gusts of wind wreaked havoc. (Photo: Facebook / Raymond Serigny).

It should be mentioned that, a few minutes later, sergeant posted a message on social media in which he revealed that his windows had been completely destroyed after the passage of the hurricane. On top of that, soon after, he posted another video in which he looked out of a doorway to a windowless room, flooded and full of photo frames and items that appear to have fallen during the storm.

Recall that Hurricane Ida, which made landfall in Louisiana Last Sunday it hit maximum winds of 240 kilometers per hour, leaving in its wake a storm surge and flooding that killed at least one and caused extensive property damage.

But the truth is, until the hurricane has passed, it’s hard to know what kind of damage has occurred. Just days after the storm made landfall, images such as those in Sergey, which clearly show the destruction left by the cyclone and what the inhabitants of the place had to live.

It is that despite the forecasts on the arrival of Ida, in which the National Meteorological Service of New Orleans predicted that “this cyclone was to have devastating effects in parts of Southeast Louisiana,” they could not be estimated at this time.


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