Shocking revelation of WikiLeaks on extraterrestrial life | Chronic


Leonardo Schwarz
[email protected]

Each time, there is more conclusive evidence, irrefutable, attesting to the existence of extraterrestrial life. The observations take place almost systematically, several times a week and in the most remote places of the planet, and the experts of the field coincide during the visit of these beings of other worlds on the Earth. While it is true that many government organizations and other estates intend to separate for different reasons, people no longer fear what is unknown. In this context, does society begin to animate: researchers, activists, politicians, high-ranking military and other personalities from around the world have officially declared the existence of the UFO phenomenon, in front of several members of the United States Congress of Retired States

WikiLeaks is an international, online, not-for-profit organization that publishes clbadified documents that they believe will be of interest to the public. Created by the controversial Julian Assange in 2006, its leaks shook the foundations of the US administration denouncing the consensual offenses committed by the Pentagon and, among the thousands of pages of confidential documents, there is reference to a topic on UFOs and to foreigners . Ambbadador confirms extraterrestrial life ".

Everything came after a meeting between Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev, mayor of the Tajik city of Dushanbe, and Ken Gross, United States Ambbadador to Tajikistan. This Central Asian country borders Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China. The meeting was held in 2010 and its content was summarized in a clbadified document, subsequently published by WikiLeaks.

Ubaidulloev raised the problem with an American ambbadador

The discussion focused on bilateral issues and the investments the Americans would make in this small nation. But the extraterrestrial theme has also entered the conversation. From this situation, and in the middle of a pleasant climate, it was decided to touch on the real subject that interested the high local official: extraterrestrial life. Ubaidulloev said the main task was to create a sense of national identity among different ethnic groups, and said that the United States was an example. He stressed that "The war is very dangerous", then added: "We know that there is life on other planets, but we have to make peace here for the first time in a meeting". His statement demystified that among the leaders, there were no contradictions.

There is ample evidence that we are contacted and that civilizations have been visiting us for a long time. Its appearance is strange for any type of Western and traditional materialistic point of view. These visitors use awareness technologies, which use registers, use magnetic disks that rotate together with their propulsion system, which seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.

Dr. Brian O 'Leary, a former NASA astronaut and professor of physics at Princeton, added: "Yes, the ship crashed and the bodies were found, we are not alone in the universe and they have been here for a long time". Continuing along this path, he said that "Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us of the direction we were taking and offered help". Finally, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense, sentenced: "Some of us have interpreted their visits as a threat and decided to shoot first and ask later.".

¿A base was destroyed?

Scott Waring, a well-known American researcher, said he had consulted the WikiLeaks website and found this information about a secret lunar base that the United States had destroyed in the late 1970s. The cable only contains the details of the document, but not all because the document It was handwritten and has never been put in digital format. "How could the United States destroy a foreign base on the moon without anyone doubting it?"he asks. "Do you remember Apollo missions?", cross-examine. And when it comes to finding answers, he adds that there had to be more than 20 such missions on the moon, although NASA suddenly stopped at Apollo 17 to perform secret missions of black operations involving the recovery of extraterrestrial technologies. and the recognition of foreign structures and ships and to detect any potential threat to the United States.

Waring went on to say: "I met a man named William Rutledge in 2011 on YouTube when he uploaded half a dozen videos of the Apollo 20 mission he participated in. It was a common mission from the United States and Russia on the Moon, near Crater Delporte. ". Draw your own conclusions.

SOURCES: Apkallu Mysteries // Yearly. com // Mysteries revealed

Everything indicates that they want to protect us

The strongest record you can remember

In the universe, there are countless places that fulfill the necessary conditions for the existence of an extraterrestrial life. At least 4,000 exoplanets have been discovered and about 50 million more. In turn, some believe that extraterrestrial civilizations avoid communicating with our society with us to avoid cultural disruption.

In this context, in some discussions between specialists, "the zoo hypothesis" has jumped. What is it? This indicates that these intelligent beings of extraterrestrial origin know our civilization in a meticulous way but prefer to remain hidden to protect us. "Maybe extraterrestrials observe humans the same way we look at animals in a zoo", Explain Douglas Vakoch, president of METI International, an organization that conducts scientific research and educational programs on sending messages to intelligent aliens. This specialist believes that humans should seek contact more actively to get an answer, such as "Sending powerful, intentional, information-rich radio signals to nearby stars".


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