Shocking: They capture a UFO the size of a truck “floating” over the desert | the Chronicle


Kristian Noel and Kelly Dees, two Americans who, while traveling, observed the magnificent landscape that the Arizona desert offers each day, claimed to have spotted an unidentified flying object (UFO), so they decided to film what had happened .

The couple, 50 and 49, respectively, were traveling on a freeway en route to San Diego, California, when they took the camera to capture the strange spectacle.

The image that aroused curiosity on social networks.

“He didn’t move like a helicopter or a plane would”said the woman. “He was just still in the sky, above the mountains. It was too far, too high, and too big to be a drone. It was probably the size of a truck in the skyAdded her husband, stunned by what he had just witnessed.

Thousands of people have successfully observed UFOs within a 500 mile radius of Nevada, passing through Phoenix, on the edge of Tucson over a two hour period. Without going any further, last month, the conspiracy world went into a frenzy after an American Airlines pilot reported encountering a UFO on a flight to Phoenix.

On this occasion, the pilot radioed that an unidentified object flew over the passenger plane and described it as something long cylindrical that looked like a cruise missile.


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