Shocking: They find the remains of a strange creature near a secret laboratory | the Chronicle


Erika Constantine, 26, took her dog for a walk in a neighborhood called Sunrise Park, at Caroline from the south, United States, when he saw that the animal was stopping to sniff something: it was the bones of a monstrous species.

“We were walking around and she came. I saw her sniffle and that’s what made me walk there because she only does that if something is dead or there is something of interest to her “, said the young woman.

He went to check what he had observed and horror invaded her just now. It was about a skeleton of a creature with an oval skull, prominent teeth, a sort of dorsal fin, and long bones that appeared to be legs, although in the remains there were no arms.

Erika, who lives in a nearby town Charleston, In South Carolina, authorities have notified, in addition to taking photos of the remains to try to determine what it was.

“Honestly, I didn’t know what it was. I have lived here for about five years and I have never met anything like this, assured the young girl. Constantine decided to upload the photos to the networks, to see if a user could identify the species.

“I thought someone would say, ‘Oh he’s like a seal’ and then go on with my day, but a lot of people were puzzled.”Erika pointed to her failed attempt to obtain an identity for the dead animal.

Constantine decided to upload the photos to the networks, to see if a user could identify the species but was out of luck.

Local authorities have suggested that he could become a zarigüeya, but Constantine was not convinced. Erika thinks this creature has arrived on the shores of the beach since a forbidden island inhabited by monkeys and out of reach of human visitors.

“Technically, it’s called Morgan Island, but it is known as Monkey island. It is not inhabited by humans, they are all apes with whom the government carried out tests. I think one of the monkeys on Monkey Island could have been swept away by a current, high tide or whatever, and then headed for Charleston. “explained Erika, who is always looking for clues and answers.

The island derives its nickname from the colony of around de 4000 monos rhesus who inhabit the place. The only people who have access to it are the researchers working for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

But there are many who say that the island is home to a laboratory similar to that of Plum Island Disease Center (PIADC), located in Suffolk County, new York. In this place, all kinds of experiments with pathogens on animals would be carried out.


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