Shocking video: a firefighter saved a baby's life from a kick | Chronic


A firefighter used an unusual method to save the life of a baby who was about to throw himself off a balcony for suicidal purposes. The maneuver used by the man finally allowed to preserve the integrity of the child and to surprise the witnesses who observed the terrible situation recorded in China.

The desperate event occurred overnight, in the Chinese city of Hechi. The neighbors were traveling in the area when they noticed that a child was placed on the balcony rail, putting his life in danger.

At first, passers-by shouted at him and told him to go down to a safe place, saying that the teenager did not take the dimension of what was happening. However, after minutes of eternal tension, they realized that the teenager had the intention to commit suicide.

Immediately, witnesses informed the emergency service and firefighters arrived at the scene. Although we tried to negotiate with the minor, this method failed. However, one of the volunteers had an unusual idea that he had finally succeeded: he climbed the walls, placed himself on top of the miner and, without that, he did not want to go to school. he noticed that he was thrown against him and kicked him. saved his life

In a video recorded by witnesses and published on social networks, we can see how the firefighter moves with total agility and taking care to stay stealthy. Once placed in the proper position, he kicks the child against the floor of the hallway of his apartment, thus preventing him from falling into the void.


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