Shocking video: after having anal swabs, do chinese people come out like “penguins”? | the Chronicle


After Chinese quarantine centers began to use anal swabs to assess “ to detect cases of coronavirus, started to circulate a video in which we see citizens walking with difficulty.

Some experts believe the method is much more accurate than a nasal or throat swab and may increase the chances of detecting the virus.

According to official instructions, the anal swab should be inserted three to five centimeters (1.2 to 2 inches) into the patient’s rectum and rotated several times to collect the sample. The test should be performed by a medical worker and takes approximately 10 seconds.

The video in question purports to show Chinese citizens walking on stiff legs with their arms slightly apart as they leave the hospital.

It was reportedly filmed on January 28 in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province in northern China. Such was its importance that mainstream media in UK became, but later the authorities of the Asian giant said it was wrong.

The clip would have been seen millions of times on various Chinese social media platforms before being deleted by Internet censors.

The Shijiazhuang Internet Reporting Center claimed that trending images had been altered and manipulated to spread “rumors”.

In an official social media post on Sunday, the authority summoned the municipal health department and a doctor to prove the video was not genuine.

The post admitted that doctors in Shijiazhuang had used anal swabs on patients hospitalized with COVID-19[feminine qui souffrait également de diarrhée. Mais il a ajouté que la méthode n’avait jamais été utilisée lors des tests communautaires de masse.

L’autorité a souligné que les patients ne ressentiraient pas d’inconfort après le test.

Pékin, la capitale chinoise, a commencé à utiliser la méthode de dépistage lors d’un test de masse la semaine dernière après qu’un garçon de neuf ans ait été testé positif au virus.

La vidéo censurée controversée


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