Shocking video: Bar discussion ended in stabbing death | the Chronicle


Andrés Felipe Roman, a physical education teacher, he has been killed in the Colombian town of Itagüí, in the middle of a street fight in front of a bar.

The crime was recorded on a security camera, where the victim is seen arguing with two men on the sidewalk of the facility. Apparently thAt the time of the discussion, the three were under the influence of alcohol and arguing over payment of the bill.

Then the stampede began between the professor and one of the men. But the worst happened later, when the man who was sitting pulled out a knife and approached Rómán with the intention of stabbing him, despite attempts by a local employee to pull them apart.

At once, The young man took the knife and stabbed the young man at least three times, repeatedly injuring his neck and chest.or, until a passerby manages to separate them.

The video also shows how Roman fell to the ground, as a result of the injuries, and when the perpetrator grabbed his backpack and escaped the location, along with his companion.

And he was thanks to the audiovisual record that the local police managed to find the assailant, who was detained pending trial for murder.

The attacker was able to be captured thanks to the shooting.

The shocking video of the attack


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