Shocking video: Couple fighting on balcony fell into the void after railing collapsed


The cause of the fight between the couple who fell from a balcony in Russia is unknown.

A passer-by walking in the Russian city of Saint PETERSBOURG He overheard a couple’s fight in an apartment and decided to pull out his cell phone to record the altercation which took a dramatic turn: the balcony railing collapsed and the bride and groom fell from a height of 7 meters.

In the video, which aired on a Telegram channel, it is seen how the structure broke when the woman leaned on it while grabbing her boyfriend. The worst part was the man who hit the ground in the back and was knocked unconscious.

The protagonists of the dispute have been identified as Olga Volkova Yes Yevgeny Karlagin, both 35 years old. The emergency services had to urgently transfer them to a hospital where they underwent surgery to treat their serious injuries.

The railing collapsed when the woman leaned against it. (Photo: video capture)

Witnesses said the couple were seen arguing in anger starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Although the reason for the litigation is still unknown, the courts are awaiting toxicology tests to determine if they were intoxicated at the time of the accident.

In dialogue with the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda, Denis, the witness who filmed the fall, commented: “I was walking with a friend and filming the historic view of the street when I noticed the argument and started recording when that happened. “

“Someone with medical experience was there and He checked his pulses, saying they both survived. We immediately called an ambulance which then transferred them to the hospital, ”Denis added of what happened after the fall.

Local press reported that the injuries of those affected which required surgery were broken limbs, but they did not put his life in danger. It also emerged that Volkova and Karlagin were living with a son who did not show up during the altercation.

Olga Volkova and Yevgeny Karlagin, the couple who fell from a balcony in St. Petersburg. (Photo: VK)

The Saint Petersburg State Prosecutor’s Office is check if the collapsed balcony was in poor condition, which could lead to legal action. In addition, judicial authorities have requested that security cameras in the area be inspected for the moments leading up to the shocking accident.

This case reminded Petersburg of the attempted murder of a girl in December 2020 when a man beat her and threw her from the balcony on the fifth floor of her apartment during an argument while he was drunk. . The victim was taken to hospital in serious condition with numerous injuries. Fortunately, he managed to survive.


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