Shocking video: piba infarctue rowing at the gym | Chronic


The gripping episode has unfolded in the state of Queensland, Australia. A girl suffered a cardiac arrest while she was doing exercises in a gym, but survived thanks to the fast action of the owner of the premises.

Emily Counter, 21, was exercising on a rowing machine, when he stopped abruptly and fell to the ground.

The people who were there gave him first aid and the owner of the place decided to use the defibrillator that he had in his first aid kit.

"It was pretty scary, especially because Emily was very young and healthy.", Remember Aaron Petterson, owner of the gym. al "Press the button [del desfibrilador] she jumped, as in a movie ", he added.

The girl recounted that she did not remember anything of what had happened at that time. "Long before it happened, my heart ached and I had trouble breathing when I ran, but I thought I was just not in shape.".

Emily was transferred to a hospital where she spent three days in a coma and had an open heart surgery. The young woman was diagnosed with Bland-White-Garland Syndrome, a rare conbad anomaly characterized by an abnormal origin of one of the coronary arteries, which affects one in 300,000 newborns.

Without surgery, most children die as children, but Emily lived until the age of 20 without knowing her heart problem. Nearly four months after the operation, Counter declares that it has the impression of having a "completely new heart"and the doctors gave him permission to resume his sports activities. It has also been proposed that all Australian gymnasiums should have a defibrillator as this device can save lives in an emergency.


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