Shocking Video: Police Officers Exposed To Working Drug And Almost Died From It | the Chronicle


A policeman was exposed to a potent drug during an operation in the city of San Diego, United States, fell to the ground unconscious and was on the verge of death. it was fentanyl, an opioid indicated as an anesthetic and analgesic for patients with cancer, among other health conditions.

Unlike pharmaceuticals, drugs manufactured in clandestine laboratories for consumption as narcotics are usually mixed with heroin. And be extremely dangerous, causing states of coma and even causing death. For example, American singer Prince died of an overdose of fentanyl.

“Only a few grams of fentanyl can be absorbed by the body and cause respiratory failure and even death,” they warned in the video from the police department which includes the money that almost lost his life.

The operation during which the event occurred was carried out on July 3. Police officer David Faiivae and his companions searched the car of a person they were about to arrest. The officer inadvertently came into contact with the dangerous opioid, began to tremble on his feet and immediately fell to the ground. Where he found himself unconscious and his eyes open.

One of his colleagues quickly removed his shirt and bulletproof vest, while trying to revive him and calling for reinforcements. Another officer, who was nearby and arrived after the emergency call, gave him a nasal spray that reverses this type of effect and saved his life.

This designer drug is one of the biggest threats in the United States. Last year there were 461 fatal overdoses in San Diego alone.


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