Shocking videos of two tornadoes of fire in the middle of fires in Brazil


Without a doubt, tornadoes are one of the most dreaded weather phenomena of man. With winds that, in extreme cases, can exceed 500 km / h, have inspired movies and provoked countless large-scale disasters around the world.

In this scenario, it's hard to imagine an even more terrifying version of this type of event. However, there is: fire tornadoes.

In the absence of one, two tornadoes of fire were recorded in Brazil in the last days. The first one was formed Tuesday during a fire on a farm in Santa Helena de Goiás, in the center of the country.

according to The sun, the phenomenon occurred while the local workers were clearing the land controlled fires. In this context, they began to occur strong winds which led to the formation of the call "swirl of fire".

The aridity of the earth and the presence of embers these are the key elements that allowed the wind column that crossed the region to become a tornado of these characteristics.

The redrawing of the fogo was recorded during a press conference on the GO-210 Santa Helena de Goiás (GO). As recorded recorded by nessa terça-feira. O Fogo was controlled by the local authorities.

– Mídia NINJA (@MidiaNINJA) September 12, 2019

Despite the rarity with which they occur, the phenomenon in Santa Helena de Goiás he was not the only one This has happened in the last days.

A second tornado of fire was recorded on Thursday during a fire in a cane plantation near the GO-325 highway, located in the same municipality.

Once again, we saw it in Santa Helenda de Goiás, during a big party party. Or video was taxed na quinta-feira (12), next to GO-325. This is the second record of this type in two days in the city of

– O Popular (@jornal_opopular) September 13, 2019

In this regard, the Somar Institute of Meteorology in Sao Paulo stated that it was a extremely rare natural eventbecause its formation requires very specific atmospheric conditions.

In this respect, the site Science live He stated: "Fire tornadoes or whirlwinds of fire occur when the fire acquires a vertically rotating column of air. they can reach up to one kilometer high and contain winds of over 161 km / h".

Depending on the environment, most of these eddies are formed in nature during forest fires and usually contributes to the spread of flames very quickly, they represent a serious problem for forest areas such as the Amazon rainforest, especially during the dry season.


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