Shot of a prosecutor in Ecuador | Chronic


A prosecutor was shot dead in Guayaquil, Ecuador, according to judicial sources.

The news was confirmed by the office of the Attorney General of Ecuador, who declared himself in mourning after the death of Carlos Karolyswho provided services in the city of Daule.

In a brief written document, the Office of the Prosecutor indicated that it would conduct an investigation into "Determine the leaders" and warned that "will not tolerate this type of intimidation or criminal actions", according to the EFE agency.

The man was attacked with bullets while he was traveling in his vehicle

Karolys was attacked with bullets while he was traveling in a car northwest of Guayaquil.

The police did not publicly disclose any other details of the attack and the Office of the Prosecutor made no reference to cases in which the prosecutor was involved as an accuser. .

The truck where Carlos Karolys moved


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