Shots in Texas and Ohio revive debate over arms and racism in the United States


The presidential candidates today badociated the Texas shootings with "racism" and "white supremacism" that "tolerates" President Donald Trump, while Democrats and society have again demanded to limit the purchase and possession of weapons after the last two mbadacres that have killed 30 people.

"The President of the United States tolerates white nationalism" and has "the responsibility to cut the epidemic to the root," said the mayor of South Bend, in the state of Indiana, and candidate for the Democratic presidential candidacy, Pete Buttigieg, according to the newspaper. the EFE news agency.

The former Texas congressman and one of his primary rivals, Beto O. Rourke, also blamed the rhetoric of the president and candidate for reelection.

"It is racist and fueling racism in this country, not only it hurts our sensitivity, it fundamentally changes the character of this country and leads to violence," said O & # Rourke, injured after being injured during 39, a shooting in a hospital El Paso, a town near the Mexican border.

The young man who entered the El Paso shopping center and began shooting indiscriminately was identified by the authorities as a white man who wrote a supremacist manifesto.

After confirming this profile, the Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Elizabeth Warren, called for white speech and acts of supremacy to begin to be labeled "internal terrorism".

"We must denounce white nationalism for what it is: internal terrorism, which is a threat to the United States, and this weekend we have seen its devastating balance. president for inciting racism and Pando's supremacism, "the senator wrote. on his Twitter

His rival during the primaries, Senator Bernie Sanders, also spoke to Trump, but also asked Congress to adopt "sound legislation on gun control."

Civil rights organizations, survivors and civil society referers also joined the request, while the Washington Congress is suspended.

Thus, the former Democrat and survivor of a shootout in 2011, Gabby Giffords, asked the congressional authorities and President Trump to suspend the suspension of the suspension and to meet again to approve of any emergency a law of arms

"158 days ago, the opposition-dominated House of Representatives pbaded the bill on bipartite background checks, and how many more people should be lost so that the leader of the majority (in the Senate , Mitch) McConnell and the President Trump is taking the necessary steps to adopt and pbad this legislation that could save lives? "Said the former congressman at the MSNBC channel.

McConnell was quick to answer.

"If we have something to approve, we will do it," said one of its spokespeople, according to CNN.

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