Sica refused to the UIA a withdrawal of funds and predicted low rates


Sica and Acevedo at the meeting of yesterday Source: LA NACION

Rejected the measure despite the fact that the government admitted that it was under badysis; he claimed that the turbulence ended

His game was as daring as his predecessor's. We will have to wait for the final results. "These are the last meters," Dante Sica told the leaders of the Industrial Union Argentina (UIA) yesterday, speaking about the currency crisis. His words looked like "it will be history in a few days" with which Francisco Cabrera was sent on May 11 to Olivos on the same cimbronazo for the rising dollar. Of course, the context is different: the new Minister of Production can say, unlike his predecessor, that July was the first in eight months ending with a decline in the currency.

Sica, a big connoisseur of the local industry, he told businessmen yesterday that "the market is close to stabilization and that rates will go down", although it is n & rsquo; Did not say when. In addition, he promised that the tax reform approved last December will be applied unchanged (one of the commercial fears before the proposed adjustment) and that the export refunds will not be eliminated, as confirmed by official sources yesterday. . "There will be no reduction in export refunds, moreover, we are working on the automaticity for payment to SMEs," sources at the meeting said, said Minister. Several yesterday at the UIA asked questions on the subject. This information, which the same pro-government government has proposed, had already reached the auto industry yesterday, with several large companies producing industrial inputs and agro-industry. Some more political versions have indicated that it was an idea to put the governors to work on a consensus on the 2019 budget, in which the government needs a much more fiscal deficit adjusted by the agreement signed with the Monetary Fund.

In the auditorium of the manufacturing company, there were so many people with this question that Sica had to reaffirm, in front of the industrialists, that when he was speaking, he was "talking not only about the department of Production, but of the whole Cabinet ". Yesterday, a state secretary confirmed to this media that the possibility of eliminating refunds was something that was under study. "Everything is green," the official said. Now with the promise
on the record it seems difficult to prosper.

Sica went to meet the secretaries of industry, Fernando Grbado; of commerce, Miguel Braun; entrepreneurs and SMEs, Mariano Mayer; of productive simplification, Pedro Inchauspe; of productive integration, Fernando Premoli; of productive transformation, Paula Szenkman, and the presidents of the Investment Agency, Juan Pablo Trípodi; from INTI, Javier Ibáñez, and from the National Trade Commission, Juan Carlos Hallak. The under-secretaries of Buy Argentino and Supplier Development, Sergio Drucaroff, and of Internal Trade, Ignacio Werner, and Chief of Staff, Ignacio Pérez Riba, among others, also joined. They heard about 90 industrial business men.

"They were worried, they wanted to hear it," said UIA President Miguel Acevedo at LA NACION, which emphasized the minister's knowledge of the sector and its problems. "The meeting was very important, one of the goals is to work to get out of the way." One of them, the opposition. between internal and external market, we have to make them compatible because a consolidated domestic market is the best export platform we can have, "said Acevedo. "There was a coincidence that the high rates of production financing could not last more than 30 or 40 days because they endanger the payment chain," said Jose Urtubey, a member of the United States. UIA

. the minister sought to convey calm and asked for more dialogue between all parties. In this context, he ratified the importance of the sectoral tables despite last week's resignation of Martin Etchegoyen, who coordinated them. He asked the support of industry to support economic policy, stressed that the fiscal pact will be achieved, as well as the reduction of the deficit. "That there is no doubt," he condemned.

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