Silvina Luna experienced an uncomfortable moment in the air when asked about her hot video – 04/07/2018


After several months out of the country, Silvina Luna (38) returned to Buenos Aires and one of the first things she did was to visit the program of [19659002] Carolina Pampita Ardohain (40).

In the middle of a unusual agitation by the recent resignation of the famous model became a pilot, the former girlfriend of The Polish (31) was interviewed by his replacement, Claudia Fontán (53), and was involved in an uncomfortable situation .

It is that, halfway through the note, the Gunda asked Silvina about her hot video in which she made love with an ex-girlfriend. boyfriend in a vineyard, and the former Big Brother was unable to disguise the impertinence.

"You know that I had not seen … gives me half ashamed to say it .. but I did not see … I did not see the video of the vineyard "Fontán began to say visibly affected by having to ask this question.

" Oh, guys that was 10 years ago already … This was a girl, I had to wear red," was the first answer from the # 39; actress, star and casual DJ.

That said, Silvina badured that she never believe they tell her "that they have not seen the video" and immediately after he remembers that an ex-boyfriend of him swore to him and perjured that he had never seen him at

"The worst thing is that I was with one of the program producers in my dressing room and I said, show me because If I have to speak The truth is that I want to see and at one point I was with Mr. Russian (Slonimsky) looking at him and I realized that he has a later edition, "Claudia continued to embarrbad him.

  Silvina is retou Buenos Aires after a trip through the United States and Mexico. (Instagram)

Silvina returned to Buenos Aires after a trip to the United States and Mexico. (Instagram)

" The truth is that I do not have a clue … That's fine but today the truth is that I take it with humor "replied Silvina, who also acknowledged that the first time he saw the video on the networks had a crisis of crying, screaming and kicking.

" It was horrible, it is something very precious for the whole country.I accepted that I returned from Rosario to Buenos Aires with an attack Nervous I just made a trip and I stayed longer and it came to me because I was blinking that they were looking at me and giving me a lot of shame ", recalled Luna

Also , the model She said that at that time she thought she was never going back into the environment and that after this episode, she had not never again registered in private life

"It's like I was the pioneer. Then many others (famous videos) came but I choose not to watch them, "closed the former GH, which was interrupted by Fontán with a question that had not nothing to do with the subject they talked about : in the future, how do you see yourself? Do you see mom? "

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