Silvina Martínez, a lawyer close to Stolbizer, destroyed the DNU domain extinguishment


Criticizes the measure of change and ensures that with him, "the Kirchner are out".

January 28, 2019

Silvina Martínez, a lawyer close to Margarita Stolbizer and former director of the General Inspectorate of Justice, published an article in La Nación in which she criticized the DNU of Macri for extinguishing estate and in which she explained the benefits for Cristina Kirchner.

In her column, she explains that she will not discuss the constitutionality or otherwise of the DNU but will explain "why the former president will be successful when he will attempt to enforce the decree".

"Article 5 of the Annex to Decree 62/2019 provides that badets established after the commission date of the offense being investigated are subject to The Hotesur and Los Sauces cases were prosecuted for illicit badociation and money laundering by the Kirchner family for the period from 2010 to 2015. Most of the Kirchner buildings were acquired in previous years. " he declared in his column.

He also said that "Alto Calafate hotels, La Aldea de Chalten and Las Dunas were acquired in 2008, as well as the main badets". And, as stated in Article 9, "only evidence that the property or right being the subject of the lawsuit was incorporated into the estate of the defendant before the date of the defendant's alleged commission will be admissible as an exception to a prior and special decision.Crime investigated "he noted that "The Kirchners would easily prove that their badets were acquired before the crimes".

Later, she also stated that, since Cristina Kirchner had been prosecuted in other cases, it was possible to claim that the badets had been acquired after the date of the commission of the crime but, in that case , "a new obstacle to the application of this DNU to the badets of the Kirchner family": Martinez explained that "the orderly dismissals (especially that of Judge Norberto Oyarbide)", when badyzing the allegations unlawful enrichment of the Kirchner family, it had been decided to dismiss Néstor and Cristina. exjuez Norberto Oyarbide would not have gone out the front door and a political judgment would have dismissed him ".


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