Similarities between López Obrador and Trump


  BBC Mundo

It was one of the biggest surprises of the presidential election of July 1 in Mexico

The success of López Obrador was confirmed when, in his Twitter account, the President of the United States he praised it.

A message that attracted attention because of the President's cordial tone.

"Congratulations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador for becoming the next President of Mexico, I look forward to working with him, there is much to be done that will benefit both the United States and the United States. Mexico! ", He writes.

Congratulations to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador for becoming the next President of Mexico. I am looking forward to working with him. There is a lot to do that will benefit the United States and Mexico!

– Donald J. Trump (@ realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2018

The next day, Trump called AMLO, as we know In the country, the leftist candidate

a half-a-half conversation – time when they talked about reaching a "global agreement" to reduce migration and create jobs in the country, according to AMLO

. something very different from Trump's conversations with President Enrique Peña Nieto.

And soon after, the visit to Mexico of Secretaries of State, Treasury, Homeland Security and the son-in-law and senior advisor to the US President was announced. 19659003] This is, in this order, from Mike Pompeo, Steven Mnuchin, Kirstjen Nielsen and Jared Kushner .

This Friday the officials meet meet with López Obrador and his team in his country house in the

C is the first time since taking office in January 2017 that Trump sends a delegation of such a level to Mexico

The likeness

The unexpected gestures of kindness surprise a lot, especially for the complicated relationship of the tycoon with President Enrique Peña Nieto

Is the announcement of a different relationship with the next government of López Obrador?

We do not know, the badysts agree, especially for the character

But it is clear that apparently Trump finds in AMLO something that he does not perceive in the current Mexican government.

"He sees a stronger personality, the style of López Obrador and his rhetoric of not being afraid to criticize him," says Maureen Meyer, director for Mexico's Washington Office of Latin American Affairs ( WOLA).

"You see a Mexican president who is going to take a stronger stand in front of him, but also recognizes that Mexico has problems that need to be solved, including the issue of migration."

Also , the mogul is clear that AMLO's historic support in the vote will make him one of the presidents. with more power in the recent history of Mexico.

"He arrives with great legitimacy and great support ," explains Gustavo Vega Cánovas, general secretary of the Colegio de México, BBC Mundo

. "And with an agenda where he recognizes that if the United States is an important partner, he will try to emphasize a bit like he did (Trump) that Mexico is first."

"Somehow identified with the agenda AMLO and that is why he wants at least to have a better relationship."

"Juan Trump"

These similarities had already been noticed at the White House, says Mark Feierstein, special badistant to former President Barack Obama and direct The head of Western Hemisphere affairs at the National Security Council

In an article published in Americas Quarterly magazine on July 3, he badured that the Trump administration "is not too concerned about AMLO's presidency and its impact on relations between the United States and Mexico . "

Something as surprising. During the presidential campaign, some financial consultants warned of economic problems in Mexico if AMLO was the winner.

Before, in April 2017, Secretary of Security John Kelly said that a leftist president "would not be good for Mexico or for the United States."

Today, the scenario is different. According to Feierstein "Trump himself sees some of his renegade being in AMLO" who, according to a senior US government official, has been calling for several months privately "Juan Trump". 19659003] A sympathy that the American president recognizes. At a meeting with reporters after the phone call to Lopez Obrador, the tycoon said the Mexican "had an excellent election."

"Better than expected when I saw him campaigning at another time, in another year." I told him at one point that he will be president of Mexico, he said. remembered that and it turned out to be correct. "

A gesture that found an answer. AMLO told reporters that he appreciated "the respectful attitude of Trump and his interest in understanding between Mexico and the United States."

And he also announced that Donald Trump will be one of the guests of the ceremony.


Beyond the friendly messages, the fact is that the initial understanding can be useful to improve the diplomatic atmosphere between the two countries.

And That's It

López Obrador, for example, recognizes the need to find a good compromise in the negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

He also insists on establishing good relations with the Trump government. "We are neighbors, we are united by many things, we want a relationship of friendship, mutual respect and cooperation for development."

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The Trump Government raises a secure third country agreement, so that people with plans to seek asylum in the United States United perform the process in the nation where they cross their southern border, ie, Mexico.

Regarding irregular migration to the United States, AMLO's approach is to approach the problem from a regional perspective.

put an end to the problems of insecurity and development in communities that expel people.

"What we want is that of Panama on the border with the United States people have employment opportunities, . "

The Trump Government, for its part, intends to stop the migration of Central America.

In fact, it offers programs to help fight against trafficking in human beings and gangs 19659003] It also proposes a secure agreement for a third country, so that people intending to seek asylum in the United States complete the process in the nation by which they cross their southern border.

say, Mexico. On this proposal, López Obrador's team does not define its position.

"This has to do with the solution fundamental of the problem of immigration and security but we will wait "the meeting with the American delegation, insists the candidate victor.


Until now, what prevails, it is the exchange of signals, like Trump's decision to send a very strong delegation A view to speak to AMLO in his tent

recognition of the importance of Mexico as a partner and that in the new mandate we can think of an agreement with formulas that satisfy the new government and the Trump's strategy ", says Gustavo Vega

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The sending of a delegation that includes the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in addition to the Secretary of Homeland Security and son-in-law and senior advisor to the US President, is a grateful Gustavo Vega

Others, like political scientist Javier Tello, see a more pragmatic issue

" The strategy is this: we will find a subject where we agree and it is here that we will stop both. Beyond this question, let's try not to conflict. "

Up to here in Mexico, this initial agreement between AMLO and Trump is considered a kind of honeymoon How long can it last?

Maybe the answer is on Twitter. "We do not know exactly how much this good start will last," recalls Maureen Meyer

"Or how much a medium-term relationship can be determined by Trump's tweets and the negative reaction to López Obrador's critics "

In such a scenario, AMLO" could not respond to Trump's negative comments to him or the Mexicans. "

  BBC World

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