Since Macri's hypothesis, $ 40,000 per minute has escaped from Argentina


From 2016 to today, $ 40,000 per minute has escaped from Argentina. Dollar production of the formal system exceeds $ 70 billion during the management of Mauricio Macri.

According to the Public Policy Observatory of the National University of Avellaneda, $ 2.4 million fled for 3 years, US $ 57 million a day, US $ 1,700 million a month and US $ 20,500 million a year.

"Capital flight already exceeds US $ 73 billion under the current government administration. Similarly, the payments of profits and dividends reach $ 7,270 million, "says the report. Moreover, since the last payment by the IMF, a month and a half ago, Central Bank reserves shrank by nearly $ 17 billion.

"When IMF funds inflated the reserves, they quickly evaporated because of the need for the BCRA to intervene in the foreign exchange market to prevent the exchange rate from continuing to depreciate, without success", explains the document. In this sense, the average number of Argentines who decided to save in dollars increased by almost 77% between July 2016 and July 2019, and 13.5% in the last year.


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In detail, the average investor stood at 653,000 in July 2016, compared to 1,155,543 customers in 2019, an increase of 502,543 people who converted their savings into foreign currencies.

Finally, he noted that in the three weeks following the OSP, dollar deposits fell by more than 4.7 billion. "The Deepening economic crisis and market mistrust before the strangling of dollars, the exchange deepened. Foreign exchange purchases for hoarding have not only accelerated, but have also begun to hit bank deposits in dollars, "the report concluded.


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