Since October 1, access to the Vatican is only allowed with the Green Pass


During the hearing on September 7, the Pope asked the Vatican Governatorato to issue an order to take all appropriate measures to counter the health emergency in the state.

Benedetta Capelli – Vatican City

As of October 1, only those who have the Vatican Green Pass, European Green Pass, and a foreign Covid 19 green certificate proving vaccination or recovery from SARS-Cov-2, or proof, will be allowed to enter the Vatican Molecular or rapid antigen with negative result for SARS-Cov-2 virus. This is established by an ordinance of the President of the Pontifical Commission of the Vatican City State on public health emergencies. An ordinance which includes the recommendation of Pope Francis, during the hearing on September 7, to “guarantee the health and well-being of the working community with respect for the dignity, rights and fundamental freedoms of each of them. its members ”and“ adopt all appropriate measures to prevent, control and combat health emergencies ”.

Control of access to the state, he said, is delegated to the gendarmerie corps. The ordinance says: “These provisions apply to citizens, residents of the state, staff who provide any type of service in the Governatorato of the Vatican City State and in the various organs of the Roman Curia and related institutions, and to all visitors and users of the services. ”The only exception concerns liturgical celebrations“ during the time strictly necessary for the performance of the rite ”, in which, however, the sanitary rules of distancing, d use of personal protective equipment, restriction of movement and gathering of people and the adoption of specific hygiene standards. Finally, the ordinance recalls that the Department of Occupational Health and Safety of Hygiene and Hygiene carries out the verification activity.

Green Pass - Covid 19.

Green Pass – Covid 19.


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