Singer-songwriter Pablo Milanés condemned the Cuban regime’s crackdown: “It’s irresponsible and absurd”


Cuban singer-songwriter Pablo Milanés.
Cuban singer-songwriter Pablo Milanés.

“It is irresponsible and absurd to blame and repress a people who have sacrificed everything and given everything for decades to support a regime that ultimately imprisoned them,” wrote Cuban singer-songwriter Pablo Milanés. in a rude Facebook post.

The artist claimed that confía “to the Cuban people to seek the best possible system of coexistence and prosperity, with full freedoms, without repression and without hunger”.

For Milanés, “the young people, who with the help of all Cubans, must be and will be the engine of change”.

“In 1992, I was convinced that the Cuban system had definitely failed and I denounced it. Now I reiterate my statements “, he condemned, breaking definitively with the Castro dictatorship.

The raw display of Milanés
The raw display of Milanés

And he insisted, “At 78, I will continue to express these same opinions as long as my health permits.”

Milanés’ crude analysis comes after hundreds of arrests of protesters, dissidents, artists and journalists on the island over the historic July 11 protests, when thousands of Cubans took to the streets of the island. island to demand the end of the dictatorship.

The Milanese claim is not the only one but In recent days, dozens of popular Cuban musicians, such as members of the Los Van Van orchestra and pianist Chucho Valdés, have expressed their support for the anti-government protests and their rejection of the regime’s crackdown.

“It makes me very sad what my people including my family are suffering, it hurts a lot to see the inhuman conditions in which they live” many Cubans, declared for his part, the pianist and composer, Jesus “Chucho” Valdés, also on your Facebook account.

“I never imagined that the police in Cuba would attack ordinary and peaceful people like us, the Cubans, are,” he said for his part on the same social network. composer and guitarist Leo Brouwer. The musician left his message in a note written in his own hand, the photo of which he posted on his account. “The beatings and images I see of violence against a people taking to the streets to express their peaceful feelings hurt me,” said the “Caballero del Son”, Adalberto Álvarez, also on Facebook.

A few days ago, the Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez also spoke about the situation on the island and asked in his blog for an amnesty for all those detained. and sent to jail after the massive protests against Castro’s dictatorship, and said he felt pain because the new generations on the island do not feel part of the revolutionary process “but of something else”.


Yesterday, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed its “concern” at what it considers to be “serious violations” of human rights recorded in Cuba as a result of the protests.

In a statement, the Office of the Special Rapporteur of the IACHR for Freedom of Expression reiterated its rejection of “repressive actions during demonstrations” and warned that the complaints received from civil society “are serious and deserve the attention of Cuban authorities and the international community “.

“According to the information received, the days of protest were followed by a police deployment both in the street and in private homes, which would have lasted several days”, specifies the text.

Thus, the IACHR indicated that the events denounced “include the arrests of hundreds of demonstrators, the incommunicado detention of detainees and the uncertainty of relatives as to their fate”.


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