Single-dose vaccination warns offers ‘tenuous’ protection against COVID-19


Anthony Fauci, White House medical adviser and immunologist, argued that the single dose application of vaccines of Pfizer and Moderns produce “tenuous” protection against COVID-19. The US government adviser has been in the post for months as several countries choose to apply a single dose due to low vaccine availability and rush to reduce community infections.

“When we look at the level of protection after a dose, we can say that it is 80%, but it is 80% low “, Anthony Fauci said at a White House press conference. as reported by CNBC TV.

The statements were made as part of a Center for Disease Control and Prevention study that said a single dose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines prevented the possibility of infection by 80% coronavirus to health workers and other essentials.

Fauci’s concern, beyond the study, is linked to the duration that can generate protection from a single vaccination and the appearance of new, more contagious variants. In this sense, the specialist was concerned about the ability of the new strains to break the protection of vaccines.

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“When you leave it in a dose, the question is, how long does it last?” Fauci said at the press conference. For the specialist, “you are in an area of ​​weakness if you are not having the full impact” of the two doses that require vaccines. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines require two inoculations, 3-4 weeks apart.

Meanwhile, in the UK, the government has decided to extend the time between the two inoculations with a period of 12 weeks to speed up the pace of your vaccination campaign and reduce the number of infections. In February, Fauci assured the NBC News channel that in the United States the distance between the application of the two doses should not be delayed, since the accumulated scientific data made it explicit.

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Against this background, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Related Biologics member Paul Offit said last week that the application of the two doses produces 10 times more neutralizing antibodies against the coronavirus. In this sense, the doctor assured that the immunity is scientifically more durable.

But Fauci revealed that the United States has enough vaccines to apply both immunizations to its population. “Although we always have an open mind, we consider that the route we are on is the best,” concluded the White House medical adviser about the application of the two doses.


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