Sinopharm vaccine: another country approves its use in children from 3 years old


The United Arab Emirates (WATER) approved on emergency use of Sinopharm vaccine To children from 3 to 17 years old.

Although so far the WATER approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, Modern Yes Oxford-AstraZeneca, the vaccination campaign largely depended on Sinopharm, which is produced locally.

The WATER led the phase III clinical trials of Sinopharm vacuum and began manufacturing it as part of a joint venture between the Chinese state and tech company Abu Dhabi Group 42.

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According to official figures, so far 79.04% have already received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 70.69% had been fully vaccinated.

According to Ministry of Health, the decision to approve the vaccine for children was based on the results of Clinical studies -In June a study was carried out with 900 volunteers- and local evaluation. WATER is one of the first countries to approve its use in children, after China.

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In June, China approved the vaccines Sinovac (CoronaVac) Yes Sinopharm To children from three years old. According to the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, both vaccines have been shown to be safe and able to stimulate a strong immune response in children and adolescents.

Few countries have so far approved vaccines for children as young as three years old. For now, Argentina has approved it for people over 12, as well as the capital of the WATER, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Hong Kong, Chile, Uruguay and some states of United States.


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