Sinopharm vaccine showed high efficacy against Delta variant of covid | This was confirmed by a study conducted in Sri Lanka


The Sinopharm vaccine works against Delta variant of coronavirus, according to a study by scientists from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura (Sri Lanka) and the University of Oxford discovered.

The vaccine manufactured by the Chinese laboratory produces antibody responses to the Delta variant “Similar to levels seen after natural infection”. “Although the antibody levels were lower for (the) Alpha variant,” the text adds.

Antibody levels of those who received Sinopharm’s BBIBP-CorV vaccine, scientists noted, were lowered 1.38 times compared to the Delta variant, compared to the original strain of COVID-19 identified in Wuhan.

According to the study, more than 95 percent people who participated in the research developed antibodies thanks to the Sinopharm vaccine. In the group of people aged 20 to 39, researchers detected high levels of seroconversion which on average 98.8 percent, while for those over 60, it is 93.3%.

The vaccine elicited neutralizing antibodies in 81.25% of those inoculated and these levels of neutralizing antibodies are similar to levels seen after natural infection. The antibody levels for Delta and Beta were similar to levels seen after natural infection, ”the study summary concludes.


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