Sisters "share" the same man and punish his own son for revenge | Chronic


A woman was denounced by her ex-partner for the beating that she inflicted on her own son because of the jealousy caused by this man's relationship with his sister, with whom he also has a baby.

This conflict in Termas de Río Hondo, in the city of Santiago, takes a lot of time and is accentuated when the subject will spend time with his other son at the same time, cousin and brother of the baby.

According to the investigation conducted by the prosecutor Melissa Royhe distanced himself and earlier this year he made court presentations against women for domestic violence.

Despite this situation, the spouses met again for some time, until the day after an argument, the abuser, whose name did not transcend the name, hit the baby, who had to be hospitalized.

Quickly and in the background, the Under-Secretary for Children, Adolescents and Families comes in third place after examining the boy's injuries by a coroner.

The final decision on what will happen to the baby after leaving the hospital will be in the hands of a judge, who will define his or her future.

The mother, who was arrested, is charged with "wounds aggravated by the link".


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