Six dead in traffic jams at the summit of Everest


Mount Everest is the main goal of most mountaineers. The number of promotions made each day increases with the years, but the experience experienced last Wednesday was really unusual. More than 200 people climbed and broke the promotion record on the same day. But this fact has also contracted that a major traffic jam has been generated. The excess of climbers on the way to the summit and has caused the deaths of six people in recent days.

On Wednesday, mountaineers had to line up for several hours in a narrow pbadageway to finally reach the summit of Everest. The fact, beyond the particular images that it has generated, has also given rise to tragedy. American Donald Lynnn Cash and Indian Anjali Kulkarni died at the time of the descent, having had to line up to reach the summit. According to the expedition guide, Arun Trek, these deaths are due to the excessive flow of mountaineers, which has delayed the descent. of the group.

0524 Six deaths due to traffic jams at the summit of Everest

In addition, this Friday has been reported on the death of four other mountaineers. Two of them, from India, died, having had to wait a long time before reaching the summit. The third person died while guiding his clients on the mountain; while the fourth, a 65-year-old Austrian, succumbed on the Tibetan road, less frequented than Nepali.

The spokesman of the Nepalese Ministry of Tourism, Gyanendra Shrestha, said that "It was a busy day, the expeditions complain about having to wait two hours or more to reach the summit". As the official explains, about 250 mountaineers left Range IV (7,900 meters) on the night of Tuesday.

0524 Six deaths due to traffic jams at the summit of Everest


Last season, 802 people climbed to the top of Everest, which was the record for the rooftop climbs of the planet. Of these, only five climbers died during the crossing. On the other handIn the current season, eight deaths have already been recorded, which suggests the negative effects of the abundant traffic.

A similar situation was experienced in 2012, when 260 mountaineers attempted to climb to the summit on the same day., because of the good weather conditions. On this occasion, 179 people reached the summit, while four died from fatigue and altitude sickness.



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