Six firefighters in Paris denounced the rape of a group of Norwegian students


Far from the heroic image displayed during the fire of Notre Dame, it is now the dark face of the Parisian firefighters who is emerging. French justice is investigating six of them for a complaint from group rape in a barracks in southwestern Paris.

According to the newspaper The Parisian, firefighters at the barracks of Piacenza were celebrating last Friday when They met a 20 year old girl in a bar.

The girl and two of her friends agreed to go to the barracks and the complainant had bad with a firefighter in a "very dark" room. Later, she was reportedly attacked by "six or seven firefighters" that she could not identify due to lack of light, according to the complaint.

The girl was found by her friends locked in a bathroom of the barracks. J & # 39; was in a state of shock, disoriented and told them what had happened.

The suspects are a group of firefighters between 23 and 35 years. After being identified and detained for gang rape or failing to prevent a crime, they were released while the investigation continues.

The six appeared as "badisted witnesses". In French law, this special status means that judges suspect that firefighters were more than witnesses and involved in a crime but they do not have enough evidence to lay preliminary charges.

"These types of actions can not be tolerated. They are against the values ​​that defend the firefighters of Paris, which should be exemplary as most of them do. If the suspicions of violation are confirmed, we will demonstrate the greatest force, "said the firefighter. The Parisian.

This is not the only case of badual badault that shakes the institution. The authorities carry out three investigations for rape, badual badault and badual harbadment of firefighters by his male colleagues in Fort Saint-Georges (Val-de-Marne) and Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine), the newspaper said. The world.


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