Six months later | Itamaraty celebrated "the new …


Six months after his inauguration as President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro will finally make his first official visit to Argentina on June 6 with an agenda similar to the one evoked during the visit of Mauricio Macri to Brasilia last January. The Mercosur commercial overhaul and the crusade against Venezuela will be recurring themes, to which will be added the new ProSur alliance, sealed in March in Chile.

The Chancery of the Brazilian government said in a statement that the Bolsonaro trip "shows the priority it accords to its relations with Argentina", while the former captain of the army had broken the tradition of both countries that its presidents had visited their neighbors. during his first international tour after his inauguration.

The rebuff of Bolsonaro with the government of Cambiemos did not only translate to the fact that Argentina had been discarded as the first international destination, but also by the refusal of a formal invitation to attend the G20 meeting prior to its inauguration. Pablo Guedes, who later admitted that Argentina would not be a "priority" for the right-wing administration, added the words of Brazil's future finance minister.

Macri was the first to cross the border and met Bolsonaro at Plbadto in mid-January. At the first bilateral meeting, the leaders signed a joint declaration in which they undertook to review Mercosur's common external tariff, improve market access and facilitate trade convergence and regulation. .

The other issue that went through the bilateral meeting was the strategy of the right-wing regional governments, aligned with the White House, to erode Nicolás Maduro's presidency in Venezuela, a strategy that took place shortly afterwards with the ignorance of the second Maduro mandate the creation of ProSur alliance and the formalization of the coordinated withdrawal of UNASUR. "The meeting will allow both presidents to clearly define the new directions of the relationship and to provide the necessary political impetus to the priority issues of the bilateral agenda," said the palace's statement. Itamaraty before the June visit.

We will have to wait to know when the leadership of the two presidents will find the summit. Bolsonaro is declining in popularity because of a government that does not end. Macri is still involved in an economic crisis to which he can not find a solution.


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