Six pit bulls eaten woman in Brazil – News


A 53-year-old woman died after being fatally injured by six pit bulls while returning from a pizza place with her boyfriend.

Brazilian civilian police identified the victim as Marli Donegá. The woman had accompanied her companion to the farm where he works as a guard, located in the rural area of ​​Birigui, in Sao Paulo.

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Arriving at the farm, the dogs crushed the woman and started attacking without the man being able to do anything to neutralize the rabid pack, reported the portal UOL.

For his part, the man was also bitten but managed to escape to seek help from other workers before losing consciousness. Municipal firefighters arrived at the scene, but the woman was already dead.

Her boyfriend was taken to the emergency room with several injuries and the animals were able to be immobilized by others on the farm after the tragic accident.


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