Six rockets were fired from Lebanon at Israel, which responded with artillery fire.


Self-propelled Israeli bullet fires at positions of terrorist groups in Gaza (REUTERS / Amir Cohen)
Self-propelled Israeli bullet fires at positions of terrorist groups in Gaza (REUTERS / Amir Cohen)

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Monday that six rockets were launched into the territory of the country from Lebanon, area where the terrorist group Hezbollah operates. While none of the shells made it across the border, the IDF responded to the attack with artillery fire.

The perpetrators have not yet been identified, but Lebanese security forces told the agency AFP What the launch took place in an agricultural area of ​​Shebaa. It’s the second time that an attempt to attack this country against Israel has been recorded since the escalation between the IDF and terrorist groups operating in the Gaza Strip began last week.

The premiere took place four days ago and in this case Lebanese authorities said the rockets were fired from the area of ​​a Palestinian refugee camp in the south. Those responsible have been arrested and Hezbollah has refused to be linked.

The last year has been lived a strong peak of tension between Hezbollah terrorists and Israel, although in recent months the border has remained relatively calm.

Lebanon and its neighbor Israel do not have diplomatic relations; They are officially at war and, to date, after several armed conflicts, they have not yet established a permanent ceasefire.

Rock climbing in Gaza

Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, they shot more than 3350 rockets against Israel, who caused the death of 10 Israelis since the start of hostilities a week ago.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Strip, as seen from Ashkelon (REUTERS / Amir Cohen)
Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Strip, as seen from Ashkelon (REUTERS / Amir Cohen)

This is the highest launch rate ever recorded against Israeli territory.said the Israeli army (IDF), according to which a large part was intercepted by its anti-missile shield An iron dome.

Ten people died in Israel, including a child, and 294 were injured by the explosion of rockets launched from Gaza. Several rockets launched by terrorists fell in the Gaza Strip, claiming lives among the Palestinian civilian population.

Faced with Palestinian aggression, the Israelis, in particular those in the south of the country who are continually experiencing rocket alerts, were called by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “Limit your outdoor activities.”

The Israeli army, which accuses Hamas of using civilians as “shields”, responded with new series of night attacks between Sunday and Monday.

Hundreds of buildings were damaged and power outages intensified, according to local authorities, who did not immediately report casualties. ANDIsraeli army claims target of its bombing is Hamas premises and equipment as well as some commanders and underground tunnels.


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