Six years after Chapo’s last escape: a mysterious tunnel and the humiliation of Peña Nieto in France


ALMOLOYA, STATE OF MEXICO, JULY 14, 2015.- View of the tunnels through which Joaquín Guzmán Loera "El Chapo", leader of the Sinaloa cartel, managed to escape from the Altiplano prison, which is about 1.5 kilometers long.  PHOTO: SPECIAL /CUARTOSCURO.COM
ALMOLOYA, STATE OF MEXICO, JULY 14, 2015.- View of the tunnels through which Joaquín Guzmán Loera “El Chapo”, leader of the Sinaloa cartel, managed to escape from the Altiplano prison, which measure approximately 1.5 kilometer long. PHOTO: SPECIAL /CUARTOSCURO.COM

On the night of Saturday July 11, 2015, exactly 6 years ago, CCTV cameras saw how Joaquín Guzmán Loera “El Chapo” entered the showers inside room 20 of corridor 2, Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation no. 1 “El Altiplano”, a maximum security prison commonly known as “Almoloya”. After some time since Guzmán Loera was out of line of sight, authorities decided to search for him, however, what they found was a tunnel entrance.

Meanwhile, that same Saturday, then Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was on a “state visit” to France. for the signing of various “bilateral agreements” in the fields of economy, investment, health, education, tourism and security, according to the spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, Eduardo Sánchez.

During the first week of El Chapo’s escape, the social networks of the former president Enrique Peña Nieto, they stayed in complete silence. For the escape of the capo, the first person who was forced to give an explanation was the former interior minister, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong. Indeed, this character, who is now under investigation for issues related to Odebrecht’s bribes, had to come out to defend his position and say that he had no intention of to resign.

Just a day before El Chapo’s escape, it emerged that another Mexican drug dealer had escaped Mexican justice. July 10, 2015 The universal published an investigation confirming that In 2012, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes was captured for an operation in Zapopan, Jalisco. However, barely lasted 2 hours in police custody when the authorities released him.

Nemesio, commonly known as “El Mencho”, is the leader of the Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) cartel, the most powerful criminal organization in recent years. News of the capture and release of Oseguera Cervantes, which became known to military intelligence sources, was immediately eclipsed the next day for the escape and details of the escape of Joaquín Guzmán Loera “El Chapo”.

It was the second escape of the mexican capo, who is now incarcerated at Supermax ADX Prison in Florence, in the Colorado Desert, United States. The first took place on January 18, 2001, when he left Puerta Grande prison hidden in a car carrying laundry. On this occasion, the escape was carried out thanks to a network of bribes which involved 71 people, including 15 civil servants.

The tunnel through which the capo escaped from the maximum security prison in La Palma (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The tunnel through which the capo escaped from the maximum security prison in La Palma (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

For his escape from Almoloya, on the other hand, the key to his escape was a work of art 1.5 kilometers long, 1.7 meters high and 80 centimeters wide. This tunnel shares many of the characteristics of the same type of work carried out by the Sinaloa Cartel on the border with the United States for the transport of drugs.

The narcotunnels of the border are carried out with techniques and machines similar to those used for the escape of El Chapo. Ventilation, electrical power, wooden supports and rails were found in the tunnel that linked Almoloya prison to the passage to liberty. a motorcycle on which Guzmán Loera covered the kilometer and a half that left him out of the reach of the authorities. At the border, these rails are normally used for small wagons which are used to transport drugs between the two countries.

From his first escape to his new capture by Mexican authorities, 13 years have passed in which Guzmán Loera was persecuted. On the other hand, during his second escape, El Chapo only managed to spend 6 months out of prison. During this period, the Mexican kingpin constantly shied away from efforts by national authorities to take him back.

It was January 8, 2016, the day Enrique Peña Nieto, now from the national territory, reported that Guzmán Loera had been captured again, this time permanently. A little over a year later, El Chapo was extradited to the United States where, from November 5, 2018 to February 2019, he faced a trial in which he was guilty of drug trafficking, gun violence and money laundering offenses, so now He is serving a life sentence in the American desert.


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