Six years after Francisco's revolution | Chronic


13/3: Jorge Bergoglio is elected pope on the second day of the conclave and the fifth ballot. He replaced Benedict XVI, the first pontiff in the modern history of the Church to give up the pontificate.

3/19: He presides the solemn Mbad at the beginning of the pontificate in the Basilica of San Pedro.

3/23: Lunch at Castel Gandolfo with Benedict XVI. It is the first time in the history of the Church that two popes meet.

24/3: He celebrates his first Sunday of Palm Sunday as Pope. Some 250,000 people listen to the homily in which he denounces wars, economic and power struggles, corruption and crimes against human life and creation.

3/28: On Holy Thursday, he beatified several martyrs of the Second World War, Communist Europe and the Spanish Civil War.

9/4: He meets Ban Ki Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

13/4: Create a group of eight cardinals, then nine (G9 Vatican) to study the curia reform.

10/5: Receives the visit of the patriarch of Alexandria, Theodore II, in an attempt of rapprochement between the two churches.

5/7: "Lumen Fidei" (The Light of Faith) is published, his first encyclical, although written in good part by Benedict XVI, he finishes it.

8/7: First trip outside the Vatican in the Italian city of Lampedusa.

7/19: Creates a commission to reform the economic and administrative structure of the Holy See.

22/7: Trip to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on the occasion of the XXVIII World Youth Day.

2/8: Created Occurrent Scolas, an educational project presented at the UN, aimed at promoting harmony between schools.

5/12: It establishes the commission for the protection of minors to prevent cases of pedophilia in the Church.

4/3: It's a candidate, out of 278 people, to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

27/4: Canon John XXIII and John Paul II; The first time in recent history that two popes are sanctified at the same time.

8/6: He is the host of the Middle East Peace Prayer Meeting in the Vatican Gardens with Israel's President, Simón Peres, and the Palestinian Mahmud Abas.

8/8: He meets with Buddhist leaders and Protestant, Orthodox and Confucian leaders in South Korea.

10/19: Beat Paul VI.

30/11: He meets Bartholomew I, Patriarch of Constantinople, Orthodox Church, distant from the Catholic Church for 1000 years.

12/17: Personal intervention is known in the historical rapprochement between the Cuban and American authorities. A few months later, he received in the Vatican, in private audience, the President of Cuba, Raúl Castro.

7/6: Creates the Court to judge pedophile bishops who are hiding.

9/19: Apostolic Journey to Cuba and the United States. He becomes the first pope to intervene in a joint session of the US Congress. A day later, he goes to the plenary of the United Nations. Canon Fray Junípero Serra, first Hispanic saint of the United States.

8/12: Inaugurates the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica.

12/2: He is in Havana (Cuba) with the Orthodox Patriarch Kiril of Moscow, the first among the leaders of the two churches since the schism of 1054.

8/27: Beat Maria Antonia de Paz and Figueroa, better known as Mama Antula.

4/9: Holy proclamation to Thérèse of Calcutta during the celebration of the "Jubilee of the volunteers of mercy".

10/16: Canonization of José Gabriel Brochero, the "Cura Gaucho".

12/5: Visit Fatima on the occasion of the centenary of Marian apparitions. Canonize the blessed children Francisco and Jacinta.

6/9: Start your trip to Colombia until September 11 to support peace agreements with the FARC.

2/2: Send a representative to listen to the testimonies about the alleged concealment of Bishop Juan Barros, Bishop of Osorno, on the badual violence committed by the priest Fernando Karadima.

8/25: Participates in the Global Family Meeting (GEF) held in Ireland under the theme "The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World".

9/22: The Holy See and the People's Republic of China conclude an interim agreement which requires the recognition by the Vatican of bishops appointed by the communist authorities.

2/21: He meets with the presidents of all the episcopal conferences of the world to talk about the prevention of child abuse in the Church.

5/3: Authorizes the opening of the archives of Pius XII.


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