Six years to assume, Francisco stands out from the Argentine politics


Francisco received Avruj, in a meeting with several communities, in February Source: archive

After a period of intense exposure, Jorge Bergoglio was inclined to discourage informal spokespersons' comments and to avoid receiving party leaders.

Six years ago today, the "white smoke" from the Sistine Chapel announced the election of the new head of the Catholic Church: the Pope


. In accordance with the doctrine of the Church, the Argentine Jorge Bergoglio directed his pontificate to propose new ways to overcome the moral, economic and social crisis. Francisco has made gestures with many Argentinian leaders, which has involved him in the domestic politics of the country. The last time, he distanced himself and asked his friends to help him stop receiving politicians.

Cristina Kirchner

He visited the head of the Church four times in the Vatican. All visits to Rome took place while he held the presidency. The current senator also took advantage of Francisco's travels to Brazil, Cuba and Paraguay to have his picture taken. Since Casa Rosada, it has never been received.

For his part, the President

Mauricio Macri

He met twice with the Holy Father. The first hearing took place in February 2016. We remember the photo in which Macri smiled greeting the pope, but he kept a serious and severe gesture.

At the second meeting in October 2016, the Argentinean president felt that the audience with the pope served to put an end to the many conjectures opened after the first meeting.

The director of the magazine
CriterionJosé María Poirier, said that Francisco "is a social pope, because his pontificate is clearly oriented to what he understands as a social doctrine".

However, Poirier has discovered the negative side that implies. "A questionable aspect of the social pontificate is that it intervenes excessively in the political sphere, where respect for republican and democratic institutions would require a greater distance," he said.

This would explain the pope's proximity to national political leaders, but especially with Kirchnerism. They visited him in the Vatican: the president of the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini; former Secretary of Internal Trade, Guillermo Moreno; the former Attorney General of the Nation, Alejandra Gils Carbó; Oscar Parrilli and Milagro Sala, among others. However, he also received María Eugenia Vidal, Carolina Stanley and Esteban Bullrich, members of the ruling party.

Many leaders also took advantage of these meetings to speak on behalf of the pope and influence national politics, through words that probably had not been spoken by Francisco.

A source close to the Vatican yesterday told the NATION that "some characters had a conversation with the pope, they went out and told him what they wanted him to say to have an income in our country." country".

But in the last two years began to crystallize a process of cleaning up "informal voices that were, especially at first, that were not doing very well to the relationship between the Pope and Macri," said the Vatican's close source .

In addition, Francisco himself recently closed the door to any situation exposing him to Argentine politics. A source with frequent contact with the pope revealed to LA NACION that he "had asked his closest friends to help him avoid requests from political leaders, whatever their nature."

An exception was in February of this year, when the pope received the Secretary for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism, Claudio Avruj, as part of a delegation of leaders from 45 communities.

Regarding Pablo Moyano 's recent trip, the source consulted explained that the trucker' s leader had attended a meeting of carriers with 250 trade unionists and businessmen from around the world. "Moyano spoke for five minutes and the pope was not even there," he said, thus dismissing a link with the unionist.

"Francisco's postulate is that Argentina must solve its problems and that is a position that it defends, especially during the election years," he remarked. , "and he did not even call them private audiences with political leaders." He also said that some politicians were trying to see him, alleging personal reasons.

In local sources, however, they believe that Francisco follows with great interest what is happening in the country and "remains exposed as before". They acknowledge that they maintain a friendship with the ex-legislator Gustavo Vera, president of the La Alameda Foundation, which acts as a link with the trade union world and against the trafficking of human beings and human beings. Exploitation of work.


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