Smiling, Macri took a picture in front of a singer who stopped being produced in the country


In the midst of the deep crisis that the industry is going through in the country thanks to the economic policies and the liberalization of imports promoted by the government of Mauricio Macri Since December 10, the President took a photo Wednesday that, although it could at first seem innocent, has a strong symbolic burden.

It is only as part of his visit to Weisburd, a small town in Santiago del Estero, Macri took a picture in front of a singer.

Smiling He posed in front of a machine that has already become a symbol of the debacle of the industry and the loss of jobs ahead of the wave of import.

Macri visited a community garden in Weisburd with the Minister of Health and Social Development of the nation, Carolina Stanley.

After announcing the end of the production of sewing machines, Macoser will remain licensee and importer of the traditional brand Singer.

Singer was born in 1856 in New York, five years after the inventor Isaac Singer patented a sewing machine model capable of producing 200 stitches per minute, seven times faster than a professional seamstress.

The brand arrived in the country in 1905, when the first machines imported from the United States entered. Almost 80 years later, in 1984, the Macoser company began manufacturing them in the country. The company, which manufactured two models and imported nine more, employed 270 people. and in the 1960s, with the growth of sewing machines, 14 factories were producing in the country. But at present, only this SME from Córdoba has remained.


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