Smoke bombs, human heads, ballot box theft and burning of ballot papers: election violence in Mexico


A police officer walks past a polling station where a man threw a severed human head, during the midterm elections in Tijuana, Mexico on June 6, 2021. REUTERS / Jorge Duenes
A police officer walks past a polling station where a man threw a severed human head, during the midterm elections in Tijuana, Mexico on June 6, 2021. REUTERS / Jorge Duenes

This Sunday’s midterm elections, considered the most important in Mexican history, are going smoothly with virtually all voting tables installed despite a campaign marked by political violence, the official said. President of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Lorenzo Córdova.

He said that at noon the installation of 81.3% of polling stations or polling stations had been confirmed, and only 14 will not be installed, out of a universe of 162,570.

This June 6, more than 93 million Mexicans are called to the polls to renew more than 20,000 positions. Among these, the 500 legislators of the Chamber of Deputies, 15 out of 32 governors, 30 local congresses and 1,923 city councils.

In Tijuana, they threw two human heads in the voting booths

Several people threw human heads at two different events in front of two voting tables in Tijuana, during the celebration this Sunday of the intermediate elections, considered the most important in the history of Mexico.

In the city of Tijuana, in the state of Baja California, A man approached booth 1440, located in Hacienda de las Palmeras street, Terrazas del Valle housing estate, and threw a human head and then fled.

This finding led to the interruption of the electoral process in the polling station. Witnesses assured that the alleged perpetrator was a subject who fled on foot after leaving the remains. So far, no detainees have been reported.

This incident happened about 9:00 a.m. About forty minutes later on another street in this border town another person threw human remains in two bags about 100 meters from another polling station.

Afternoon, according to the agency EFE, another similar event occurred in the Mariano Matamoros settlement (neighborhood), when another human head was thrown.

At Mexican, another of the most important cities in the region, several incidents were also recorded.

The first report of the day in Mexicali was given at dawn when a group of armed men They shot at the offices of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), the president’s party Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Heavily armed men broke into a box set up in Colonel Progreso's primary school in Lagunas, Oaxaca.  / @RCP_NoticiasSC
Heavily armed men broke into a booth in Colonel Progreso’s primary school in Lagunas, Oaxaca. / @RCP_NoticiasSC

Armed group stole ballots and restrained voters at polling station in Oaxaca

The crime is once again attacking democracy in Oaxaca. This time it was reported that An armed group broke into the electoral module installed in the “Delfino Mijangos Rudo” primary school in the Progreso de Lagunas district.

According to the testimony of a polling station official, this morning, the subjects entered the polling station armed, they threatened voters and officials and continued to steal the electoral package.

As a result, polling day was suspended and the public deplored the violence generated. No injured person is reported, however, nor the presence of the National Guard is recorded.

Heavily armed men broke into a cabin installed in Colonel Progreso's primary school in Lagunas, Oaxaca.  / @RCP_NoticiasSC
Heavily armed men broke into a box set up in Colonel Progreso’s primary school in Lagunas, Oaxaca. / @RCP_NoticiasSC

This morning, the Presidential Adviser of the National Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation of Oaxaca (IEEPCO), Gustavo Meixueiro, confirmed the fire of electoral packages and polling station installations in the municipalities of Santiago Laollaga and Santa María Xadani on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

Since the early hours of June 6, a group of people damaged the seat of the Municipal Electoral Council of this populationThey also set a palapa on fire in the Ojo de Agua spa.

In the morning the demonstrators blocked access to the population and set fire to several tiresAt around 9 a.m., they raised one of the roadblocks and concentrated in front of the municipal palace.

Residents of Jericó burned electoral material.  Photo: taken from Twitter
Residents of Jericó burned electoral material. Photo: taken from Twitter

Residents of Jericó, Chiapas burned ballots

The inhabitants of the city of Jericó, in the municipality of El Parral, Chiapas, they burned ballot papers and other election materials in section 1837, He said Oswaldo Chacon Rojas, President of the Institute for Elections and Citizen Participation (IEPC).

“Ministerial authorities are informed to proceed in accordance with the law”, announced at a press conference held this Sunday morning, that the biggest elections in the country are being contested, with more than 20,000 public positions in the games.

“The only report that we have officially of incidence is the one that was presented in the Jericó, El Parral, box section 1837, contiguous base 1 and 2, where the electoral documentation was burned”, he mentioned. .

Other sources have assured that the residents of the entity have a person identified as an operator of the Chiapas Unido party, registered by the state.

They threw a smoke bomb at a polling station in Naucalpan

From a motorbike, the subjects threw a fragmentation grenade at box 2895 located in the Paseos del Bosque housing estate in the municipality of Naucalpan, injuries have been reported.

At the place, elements of Civil protection and firefighters to withdraw the object and polling day could continue as normal. Likewise, at the scene of the events, the National Guard and the smoke bomb would have been inactive.

(Photo: @isagvh)
(Photo: @isagvh)

The box has been moved 80 meters from its original location.

As they steal ballots and destroy a ballot box in Metepec

The violent attacks against the electoral modules do not stop. This morning, subjects violently broke into booth 5491 at the Lázaro Cárdenas unit in Metepec, Mexico, where they destroyed furniture, fired shots and stole ballots.

“Guys, the ballots!” cried an assistant frightened by the actions.

Although some voters and polling station officials tried to confront the subjects and stop them from fleeing, they responded with more violence and managed to flee the scene in private cars and trucks.

Video: Twitter / @ DiegoPinon_

“Don’t leave them, don’t leave them!” Catch them! “another woman shouted.

“Catch them! Call the police! Fucking people. What a fucking “another man said, frustrated at the lack of safety devices.

Likewise, at another point in the town, the vandalism of one of the tents that covered the cabin module installed in the Regional Technological Institute of Toluca of the colony Agricultural.

However, there were no other types of attacks, so the day continued as normal with property damaged.


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