Smoke from Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia reached the north of the province


Fire smoke in the Amazon (Brazil), as well as in Paraguay and Bolivia, has begun to affect visibility in the northern and western provinces of Argentina. She arrived yesterday north of Santa Fe and is now advancing on the coast. Argentina and the province of Buenos Aires. This has been reported by the National Meteorological Service.

"There is already a presence of smoke from the various fires of Amazonas, Bolivia and Paraguay, Formosa, Jujuy, Corrientes, Catamarca, La Rioja and North Santa Fe", a- he told the telam agency the yesterday afternoon. meteorologist Cindy Fernández.

The expert also explained that "the northwesterly wind will bring this smoke back to the center of the country, which could reduce the visibility in Buenos Aires, a process that will intensify over the weekend and next week".

The Amazon concentrates 52.5% of the 2019 fires in Brazil, with more than 71,000 igneous households, which has generated a wave of global repudiation, reinforced by the statement of President Jair Bolsonaro minimizing the danger to the world. ;environment.


While international pressure to contain the record number of fires in the Amazon weighs on President Jair Bolsonaro, the latter has signed a decree authorizing the sending of army troops to fight these outbreaks . According to the decree, which will come into effect today and until 24 September, the army must participate in "preventive and repressive actions against environmental damage" and act in coordination with local public security agencies.

Bolsonaro previously described rainforest protections as an impediment to economic development and spoke to critics who pointed out that the Amazon produces large amounts of oxygen and that it was considered essential to combat global warming.

An Associated Press reporter who visited the Amazon region yesterday found that many areas already deforested had been burned. Burnt trees could be seen around Porto Velho, capital of the state of Rondonia, on the border with Bolivia. In some cases, the burned areas were adjacent to cattle ranches and other intact ranches, indicating that the fires were part of a burn plan.

The National Institute of Space Research (INPE), the federal agency that monitors deforestation and fires in Brazil, has provided indicators of the significant acceleration of deforestation this year. INPE reported that between January and August 2002, 9,250 square kilometers (900,000 hectares) were deforested, exceeding the total deforested area of ​​2018, which was 7,537 square kilometers (750,000 hectares). .

Environmentalists say that the increase in fire sources is normal during the dry season in the Amazon, between July and November; However, they cautioned about the scale of outbreaks this year. The advance of the fire has alerted leaders and organizations around the world who are calling on the Brazilian government to take action in this regard.


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