Sneezing several times in a row can be a symptom …


A sneeze means nothing other than the so-called salutes (sneezing several times in a row), if they occur very often they can be a symptom of covid-19 in people who have already been vaccinated. This has been shown by a study carried out by the company ZOE and King’s College London, which involved 4 million people worldwide.

While the research team explained that sneezing is generally not a symptom of the coronavirus and is much more likely to respond to a common cold or allergy, they noted that it was found that sneezing a lot is “a more common sign of infection in people who have been vaccinated.”

“With curiosity, our data shows that people who had been vaccinated and then tested positive for covid-19 were more likely to report sneezing as a symptom at compared to those who had not received an antidote, ”the researchers noted.

Therefore, recommended that if a person has been vaccinated and starts sneezing more often than normal, without an explanation, they should be tested for Covid-19 and isolated.

However, clarified that the link between sneezing and covid-19 is not very strong, so you should be aware of the 20 symptoms of the disease whether or not you have been vaccinated.

At the same time, researchers recalled that coronavirus vaccines help control the pandemic, but none offer 100% protection against the virus.

Finally, how sneezing is “a key form of spread of the virus”, they pointed out covering yourself with a tissue or the inside of your elbow cough and sneeze “to minimize the spread of droplets,” and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth until you have washed your hands.

The big problem will now be people with allergies, as accustomed as they are to the salutes of sneezing, which are sometimes calmed by certain medications, soft or deep.


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