So a stripper told her parents why she was working | the Chronicle


Often our nerves get the better of us when we try to confess certain truths to our parents, especially when they are of an advanced age and they may have a certain prejudice on certain subjects, corn The ex found a different way to tell his parents what it is stripper and went through an incredible Powerpoint presentation.

The ex, originally from the American city of Portland, he assured to have made the decision don’t hide anything from them because they are “Ithe people you love and trust the most and said: “I want them to know what’s going on in my life and have the joy of sharing my journey.”

“Today I am revealing a secret to you”, yese called the clip that it’s viral via the social network TIC Tac and that it was published in its original version by his sister Alone.

In the stills, you can see how Lex explains the presentation to his mom and dad who were in the living room watching TV.

“Before they start to worry about me or get excited, this secret is in my life, it doesn’t affect anyone”, he claimed.

Any guess they can have, they’ll be wrong. I’m telling you this simply because I want the people I love and trust the most to know what’s going on in my life and have the joy of sharing my journey. “added.

How is your work as a stripper

One of the most stressful moments was when he explained what his new pro looks like and what it means to be “talented, cool and powerful” and that this is not directly related to the danger and does not necessarily mean that you are going to get pregnant.

And while his parents looked at each other without understanding, after a drum roll, he told them what his job was: “I’m a stripper! I pole dance at a strip club and I love it.”

But that was not all, since after heHe showed several frequent slides to calm the shock which caused them what he told them.

Moreover, he told them that it was safe, secure and safe work, with anonymity total at all times.

And what he never imagined was the reaction they both had since they gave him all their support and thanked him for his sincerity. “I really appreciate that you are so outspoken and share your life with us … it is powerful”, his mother closed the topic knowing it was being recorded.


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