So are the amazing painted wooden sarcophagi found in Egypt


The wooden and colored sarcophagi found inside have mummies of priests and children of Pharaonic Dynasty XVII (1580-1550 BC).

According to the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mustafa Waziri, the coffins were discovered in the same state in which they were buried with closed mummies inside coffins that were placed at two levels: the first included 18 coffins and the second 12.

The discovery took place during excavations initiated last year in the Valley of the Kings, where several tombs were discovered in addition to the original entrance to the tomb TT 28 where were found the 30 coffins.

These coffins are considered as a test of the different stages of their manufacture because some wear decorations and full colorswhile others were discovered during the initial phase of the work.

Engraved inscriptions on the sides of the sarcophagi represent several funerary motifs with images of offerings to those of various deified gods and kings such as King Amenhotep, the first god of the necropolis of Deir el Bahari.

They also show scenes from the Book of the Dead and various artistic details used in tombs and funerary monuments.

Asasif is a necropolis located on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes, near Deir el-Bahari and south of the necropolis of Dra Abu el-Naga.

It contains mainly the graves of senior Egyptian officials of the 18th Dynasty (1550 and 1295 BC), XXV (747-664 BC) and XXVI (664-525 BC) .).


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