So Pregnant Protected Her Son Amidst Shooting | the Chronicle


A pregnant woman used her own body to protect her eldest son in an attack on a burger in Brazil on Sunday in Recanto das Emas, Federal District.

“It was a moment of terror. This is something that we didn’t expect to happen. In the hour of despair, the first reaction we have is quite impulsive.said Rafaela Dantas, who she is six months pregnant.

Security cameras have recorded the moment you see when youNeither armed robber approached a customer to rob him and attempted to arrest him. However, when he stole his cell phone, on his way out he started shooting at point blank range.

“I thought about protecting my son. First, my son. Both, right? The one with my belly too. But, thank goodness, everything went well, no one was hurt.”Said Rafaela.

According to his account, Dantas went out to lunch with her husband, son and friends after leaving church. Wife he thought it was a matter of calculation and not an assault.

“When we got down to the ground, I heard the shot already. Then I stood there, waiting to hear more shots. I waited a little longer to get up “.

“The cell phone because it was on the table, and my reaction was to just pull my son up and protect him. Above all, we do not know the reaction of a child. As adults, we understand a little more, we already know the situation, which put our life in danger. The girl, no, can have the reaction to be surprised, running “, he pointed out.

Despite the fact that, according to local media, the victims called the military police to file a complaint, no cash approached the scene of the theft.

Local authorities warned that later, Brazilian Civil Police He showed up at the hamburger restaurant, but when they arrived, all the victims were already gone. In addition, for the moment, the perpetrators of the theft have not been captured and the security forces are continuing the investigation.

According to the head of the delegation of the police station 27, Pablo Aguiar, the civilian police received the images and approached the cafeteria manager, who has just recorded the case.


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