So the police shot dead a man in front of his girlfriend and baby | the Chronicle


A discussion of traffic in the American city of Austin ended up with a 27-year-old man shot dead in front of his girlfriend and baby. The shocking images of the murder were released this week and shocked the state of Texas.

The incident happened on January 5, but the video was not released until Wednesday. The victim is Alex Gonzales, who argued this afternoon on the public highway with the police Gabriel Gutierrez Yes Luis Serrato, Who is it they fired ten projectiles because the young man cut him with the car and allegedly pointed a gun at him.

At the time of the murder, Gonzales’ girlfriend and two month old son were in the car. After the crime, Gutiérrez called for reinforcements and soon officers arrived on the scene.

The shocking images show how Gonzáles got out of his car, unarmed and went to the backseat, as officers order him to stop thinking he was trying to pull out a gun.

Gonzáles ignored the warnings and at that point, Gutiérrez and Serrato shot him ten times until he was killed. The victim’s wife, meanwhile, suffered minor injuries and the baby was unharmed.

The moment the police targeted Gonzales.

This murder comes amid the debate over the use and carrying of firearms in the United States.

Following the incident, the two officers were put on leave, and the Austin Police Department opened an investigation to investigate each shot separately.

Scott Hendler, an attorney for the victim’s family, confirmed he had a gun but objected to the police version, NBC News details. “At no time in any of the videos did he see him wield a gun”, he claimed.

Meanwhile, Agent Serrato’s advocates have repudiated the leak of the video and even urged local police not to publish it.



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